In today’s world where sustainable production has become ever more important we, at Berteks Tekstil Tic. ve San. A.Ş-Bursa contribute to sustainability by improving our processes and through more environmental friendly designs in order to optimize the use of raw materials, water and energy in our production. Our goal is to achieve clean production in all of our processes in our integrated structure of yarn production, weaving, yarn-fabric dyeing, coating factories. We perform systematic improvement activities on project basis in our R&D Center, which are then carried out in the energy intensive hot points of production processes.
Based on the fact that plastic waste has created the 6th continent in our world, we use polyester yarns recycled from plastic waste in our new collections. We believe that products that do no cause waste are as important as recyclable waste in waste management. Therefore we continue our research on bio-fibers for biodegradable fabrics which do not create any waste. We have created collections by integrating PLA yarns extracted from corn into our weaving and dyeing processes. With bio-fibers extracted from hemp which does not require chemical fertilizers, produces 25 times more oxygen compared to regular forest vegetation and which has been researched more recently , we develop products with superior qualities such as noise and heat insulation, UV resistance.
Although environmental pollution is generally understood as dumping excessive amount of waste in the environment, people continue to pollute our world in many other different ways too. One of these pollution types is the electromagnetic pollution caused by the electronic devices we use, which increases its intensity every day. The increase in man-made electromagnetic waves threatens the health of all living creatures and most notably humans and disturbs the natural electromagnetic area of the world. Berteks® has developed and introduced to the market textile products that have electromagnetic waves shielding capacity which can be used to reduce the effects of these waves. These products can also be used in the military.
Our company ensures that all of its manufacturing activities comply with the environmental laws and regulations and adapts an environmental policy based on the principle of leaving a more liveable and cleaner environment for future generations and thus creates innovation in products and production processes through its R&D activities and integrates them into its operations. For this purpose our company has started to conduct LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) studies to further improve carbon footprints of its flagship Pescreen® products which already have a much lower carbon footprint compared to the competition. With the data obtained through these analyses, our goals are to have EPD (Environmental Product Declarations) and C2C (Cradle to cradle) certifications and to present these to our customers in a transparent way as well as to identify and improve hot points in the production. Our share in the green market with our green products under Berteks® brand increases continuously and we continue to work for a sustainable future.