We know that deeds matter most.
We value the personal differences and rights of our employees.
We do our job right at the first time and with value-creating differences to achieve excellence in our business.
To be a reliable and sought-after company which meets its customers’ needs and expectations in all processes,
To keep customer satisfaction at the highest level with our products and services and to manage customer feedbacks efficiently,
To eliminate processes that do not create value and to develop a quality management system with the goal to meet deadlines for deliveries and improve quality,
To track, adopt and implement technological developments to lower costs and increase profitability,
To prioritize teamwork in order to make all employees more competent who can use their skills at the highest level with the Quality Management Systems and thus continuously improve quality,
To create quality awareness among all employees,
To establish cooperation based on trust with suppliers,
To prevent any future potential problems by producing the most accurate, optimum and most economical solutions in the fastest way,
To develop products and processes which can offer continuous innovation and development and to offer innovations that exceed customers’ expectations,
To complete every project using the highest levels of techniques to achieve results that are of the desired quality and within the set budget limits,
To be a role model for other organizations by respecting the society and the environment,
To contribute to the country’s economy by continuously increasing its business volume,
To comply with all relevant laws and legal requirements and rules,
We do our job right at the first time and with value-creating differences to achieve excellence in our business.
We, at Berteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. comprehend the environment as our most valuable asset and believe that the environment should be protected in the best way possible in order to ensure a quality life for future generations. Therefore by complying with the national and regional laws and environmental requirements of our customers, we, Berteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş are committed to;
Take proactive measures in all of our activities to prevent pollution of air, water, and land,
To take actions to have continuous improvement and development in our environmental activities,
To comply with the environmental requirements and rules of current national and international laws and regulations,
To spread our environmental protection principle to our suppliers, customers, our country and to the entire world,
To organize training programs for our employees, contractors and suppliers to raise environmental awareness,
To use and encourage all of our stakeholders to use recyclable products to reduce waste and minimize their impact on the environment,
To plan and implement measures that will minimize the damage we might cause on the environment by identifying environmental risks in advance to prevent any emergency during our activities,
To reduce costs by establishing cooperation based on trust with suppliers which provide products and services to ensure quality, environmental awareness and occupational safety and increase our efficiency and profitability in the long term,
To reduce our adverse impacts on the environment by preventing pollution at source thus minimizing waste; to identify in advance and take into consideration our products’ impact on the environment when developing projects about products and processes
To prevent unnecessary use of raw materials and natural resources and take preventive measures every year in line with our understanding that today’s waste leads to shortage tomorrow,
To participate actively in and cooperate with all kinds of work aiming to protect the world we live in. To sort at source and collect waste within waste stations in our facilities reducing waste and workload. We prefer renewable energy resources in our energy investments. We bring our carbon footprint to a minimum with the clean energy we will produce.
Through the implementation of this policy, the executive management of Berteks Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.Ş. declares their goal to comply with the following core principles necessary to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of information assets and ensure their continuity and sustainability with the Information Safety Management System to be built to achieve sustainable growth and improve competitive edge while realizing the vision of “making sure that a Berteks brand product is used in one out of every five locations in the world”:
To provide the necessary contribution and support to ensure compliance to standard requirements and rules of the Information Security Management System
To ensure compliance with the requirements of all laws, regulations, directives, by-laws of the Republic of Turkey and all customer agreements,
To provide the necessary support for measures to be taken against unauthorized use, disclosure of and damage to all information assets,
To provide necessary support and contribution to the actions to be taken to perform risk assessments for information assets and to reduce any identified risk to acceptable levels,
To provide the necessary support to the plans to be made to organize training on information security awareness for employees and for suppliers’ employees where relevant to encourage them to contribute to the operations of the system,
To provide the necessary support to detect, report, correct and prevent from happening again all real and suspected violations of information security,
To provide necessary support and contribution to ensure that business continuity is achieved and continuous access to information is at the planned level,
To provide necessary resources to implement, maintain and improve the Information Security Management System and to integrate ISO 27001 Information Security Management System standard into our business processes to comply with information security requirements in every stage.
Responsibilities of Berteks Employees
Employees are responsible for ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of the information they have and acquire at Berteks San.ve Tic.A.Ş.
Employees shall ensure that only they use the information entrusted to them and share such information with authorities when required.
Employees are responsible for keeping all information acquired in the company confidential regardless of whether such information is related to their jobs; for not disclosing, sharing, forwarding such information to third parties.
Employees are not allowed to take photos, videos, etc with their personal cameras, video recorders, cell phones, etc. Employees are allowed to take photos and videos only with the company’s cameras and video recorders. However, they are not allowed to share/post such photos, videos, etc similar materials on social media, websites and online applications under any circumstances whatsoever.
Employees are not allowed to use, carry, copy, share via mail, etc. any information obtained from Company within the scope of the project and data that can be found on various media and in various forms (computers, printed documents, CD-DVD, flash memory, etc.) without necessary relevant authorization.
When an employee’s contract is terminated, if there is someone to take his/her position, the employee should hand over all his/her work-related assets (hardware, electronic records, software assets, documents) to his/her successor. The employee should also hand over all the information assets he/she has.
As BERTEKS TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş, in order to support environments where happy people live and work, we commit to providing sources to improve energy efficiency, working efficiently with all employees participate without wasting energy and natural sources, complying with legal terms and other requirements, striving tirelessly to enhance energy productivity continuously and to obtaining systems and services consuming less energy due to acquiring better designs.
At Berteks group of companies, respecting people and the environment is part of our values and conducting all of our operations with a sense of responsibility is one of the core and permanent factors of our management approach.
We believe that all of our employees have the right to work with dignity in healthy, safe and proper working conditions. Our employees are our most valuable assets and securing the safety of our employees is our top priority.
We use the best environmental solutions, applications and environmentally friendly technologies beyond the requirements of law.
We do not allow or encourage the employment of child workers and we comply with all legal requirements and regulations about the employment of child workers.
Our goal is to adopt environmentally friendly policies and standards to prevent environmental pollution and protect nature and raise awareness on this issue among our employees.