To make sure that a Berteks brand product is used in one out of every five locations in the world.
Together with all of our employees; to add value to our customers’ lives with our high quality and functional and innovative products manufactured through eco-friendly processes, which bring style to living environments.
We care about people’s health
Berteks cares about people and people’s health in all of its operations, from the manufacturing stage until the point of sales of its products. People’s health is a priority for Berteks from the raw materials the company uses to all manufacturing conditions.
We focus on Quality and Innovation
Berteks always looks for the best. Innovation is an important factor in the company’s manufacturing. The company uses the most current technology in order to provide its products with 100% Berteks quality.
We are pioneers
Since its very first day, Berteks aims to be the first and discover. The company sets an example with their products and creates new trends.
We Respect the Environment.
Berteks believes that leaving a liveable and clean world for future generations is its number one mission. The company ensures that all of its manufacturing activities comply with the environmental laws and regulations to contribute to the protection and sustainability of the environment.
We are a Big Family
Berteks fully supports its employees and embraces the principle of “together we work, together we win”. Berteks accepts its employees as well as its customers as family members. The company’s first priority is its ethical values in all manufacturing and sales processes.